Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Unforgivable Sin Part III

Mathew is not the only passage where one will find an unforgivable sin. We find this issue in: Hebrews 6:4-6, 10:26; and 1. John 5:16
Analyzing this passages will help us understand the subject better, and on a save ground get to a reasonable conclusion.

This passage has a context of Jesus being the Great High Priest. He was a priest according to the order of Melchizedek. God honored Him, and called Him His Son, and a Priest in the order of Mechizedek Heb. 5:6. He was not only a priest who was different. For He did not need to be continually offering sacrifice like the descendants of Aaron. But Jesus Himself became the source of eternal salvation to those who obey Him.
This is the back ground of our passage today. After this, chapter five finishes and a continuation of the thought is present in chapter 6. It begins with a call to growth. Since Jesus is the High Priest according to the order of Melchisedez, since He is the source of salvation; the believers are to grow to maturity.
After this, the passage continues with a description of people who are Christian and how they are not able to come back to enjoy salvation in Christ. The description of these people is the following:
1.They were enlightened
2.They have tasted the heavenly gift
3.They have shared in the Holy Spirit
4.They have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the power of the coming age

Now, lets analyze this: 1) the word enlightened refers to the influence of Christ in the live of a person. Jesus is the light of the world; John 8:12; and He is the light of men John 1:4. So a person that was enlightened; was a person that was guided by Jesus and had Jesus in his life.
2) The second description of the the fallen individual is that he had tested the heavenly gift. That is to say, he experienced, enjoyed, the gift that is from heaven. What gift is it? When a person had leprosy and became cured, that person was to bring gifts to the priests; Lev. 14:4; Matt. 8:4. The gifts refered to in Lev. Was that of 2 birds, one was killed and its blood was put inside a container with fresh water and was mixed with the fresh water, an the other bird that was alive was to be dipped into the water mixed with blood that was in the container. Then, the person who was healed, was to be sprinkled by the priest 7 times and the live bird was to be set free. The symbolism of the ceremony is that of a person who was dead and came back to life and set free by the Lord. In the same way, the Lord had set the believer free from the bondage of sin and death, and has made him come back to a clean and pure live in Him.
3) This third description is that of having not only the gifts of the Holy Spirit, but also having the Holy Spirit in the person. In other words, the person that is being described has become a partaker of the group that have the Holy Spirit.
4) To taste in this passage means to experience or understand the word of God, and found it to be good. Not only that, but they have also have experienced the Messiah. The time of the Messiah.
With not dought this passage is describing a Christian. Now the passage then says that it is impossible for them to come back to repentance. Now, the question is why? Because nothing will bring that person to repentance; since that person has lost all sensitivity to God. in which case, the issue is that the person does not want to repent, and if some one does not want to repent, it is impossible for that person to be saved; Luke 13:3,5. So, it is impossible to bring someone to repentance if that person does not want to repent.

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