Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Is The Bible The Word of God? Part II

In the first entry we spoke on the inspiration of the Scripture and said that it referred to the Divine guidance of the process of writing the Bible. The Lord's guidance was of such kind, that it enable the writer to reflect the mind of God, His will and desires in their writings. Some people may object: saying that that is an easy way out of the Bible being the word of God, and the issue of Inspiration. That is, God (based on their reasoning) either wrote everything in the Bible, or He did not. Yet, there may be a possibility that people who have this idea may have a very limited view and understanding on what Inspiration is. The inspiration of the Bible does not speak of a dictation of the Bible by God to men (although that did happen some times.) It does not speak of an spiritual possession of God to the body of the author so that every word written was literally His (as supposedly was the case with Nostradamus). Then, what does inspiration entails? Certainly Timothy says that “every Scripture was inspired by God.” The Greek term for inspired in the passage is Theopneustos. This word literally means God breathe or God breathe out. This is the only part in the Bible where this term is used, although it was used with frequency by the classic writers and is used once by Josephus. It spoke of the origin of the word and not on the mode by which the word was inspired. That is, the word referred to the fact that the Scriptures comes from God. How did it come from God? The passage does not tell us; yet, the only inference that would explain the divine intervention to the Scripture is that of the divine guidance and protection of the Scriptures through time. Finally, the term also speaks of the fact that God uses His word as a tool to bring forth certain functions and results from His people. I get to this conclusion from the fact that every time that God breathed into men or a thing, it was with the intention of bringing that which was breaded into; to life Gen. 2:7; or to enable the recipients for a certain task Jn. 20:20.
So, through the analysis of the times that God breath into Adam and Jesus to His disciples' one arrives to the conclusion that the breath was for the purpose of life and for a certain goal to be accomplished. So, in respect to the Bible, the Inspiration of such enables it to accomplish a certain goal and to fulfill a certain task. A task that is clearly stated in many different places in the Bible and is summarized in 2. Tim 3:17.
So, to conclude, one could say that Yes, the Bible is the word of God, in that it was guided by God through the process of its creation, and it is inspired by God in that it brings forth the purposes already set my God.

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